
HNBS 301 Coursework Food & Beverage Operations Management Level 5 HND in Business Management Level 4


There are several aspects in management of the several operations related to food and beverages of the company or hotel. For success of certain hotel, it depends upon effective implementation of several factors that are involved in the planning and delivery of services.

The following assignment report focuses on characteristics of food and beverages system along with factors that affects various recipes and menu. It also comprises of the comparison between cost and staffing implications of the various different systems. It also demonstrates perfect usage of cost and pricing processes and financial statements which are involved in operations related to food and beverages. The plan for menu has been provided with all recipes that has been taken care regarding various standards and health aspects from food (Caspi and,2016). The report also discusses about maintaining planned services of various standards of quality and health, safety and security. Also, the evaluation of the various factors which lead to the determination of the success related to the service and making recommendation for the improvement.

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1.1. Characteristics of range of food production systems and various food and beverage service systems

Food production system is defined as the system that includes many processes as well as infrastructures that comprises of feeding a particular population whereas food service system is defined as the framework that include various activities for delivering the food entity to the customer.

As the catering manager in Marriott International, I have discovered certain food and related safety production and related factors that create effectiveness. There are various food producers entering in system of food services and bringing innovation in field of respective system. Services in food and beverages sectors comprise of several activities which results in success of Marriott hotel.

Food production consists of menu planning, reception of raw materials, purchasing, storing, preparing and cleaning foods. In the similar aspect, it is department where orders ar picked and dropped through wait staff in hotel. The purchase of raw material is complex task for food production with requirement of skilled personnel. In Beverage service and food production, hospitality is emphasised in highly aspect. It considers choosing to buy methods which are matching demand of services with context to hotel. However, offering food services has presence of unique characteristics by comparing it from other production. The demand of food incur some specific duration of day such as breakfast, dinner and lunch time. In peak hours' food order are slow and it also depends on month of year. In the similar aspect, skilled and unskilled personnel are highly required.

Further, food service styles, in the context of F&B, includes fast casual, fine and casual dining system. Fine-dining restaurants have elaborative menu and expensive in nature. Under such style, high level of emphasis is placed on the creation of atmosphere pertaining to elegance and grace. On the other side, fast food and casual dining emphasized on table service dinning atmosphere. Hence, as per the target market business units operating in F&B sector can select the most suitable one.

There are certain characteristics of the range which I relate to the food production system are discussed as below

  • It provides an important contribution in the economy of UK
  • It facilitates the concept of food and other cuisines which has diverse scope.
  • It fulfils basic requirement of customer and provides a feeling of delightfulness
  • It is considered as the industry which is labour intensive
  • It deals with various dynamic aspects which is the demand of food and it keeps on changing.
  • There can be numerous categories in the system of food and beverages which is provided accordingly with the related theme of the hotel or the preferences of the customer who is availing the services and the Marriott hotel adopts the combination of the services such as assisted and self-service as the consumer are being served the part of their preferred meal which had to be taken by them only. This particular service system is regarded as the cost-effective method and reduces the requirement of the labours in the hotel.

1.2. Factors affecting recipes and menu for specific systems

Marriott Hotel provides a wide range in choices which is included in their menu and related production system. They cover all the relatable variety that includes ingredients and the additional products which is present in the food. There are several kinds of foods and services that are preferred by the hotel for the serving system which completely depends on the choice of the customer like how he wants to get served. Before that it is very important for considering all the related factors which can be included in the process of preparing the menu band the recipes which can affect relatable choice of consumer who is availing their services. There are many factors that lead to the adverse impact on the choices related to menu and the associated recipes which is their due to the plenty of the financial resources, characteristic nature of the related restaurant and an exclusive power which can be spend on their menu and the cost related to production of the food, the impact of the competitive environment along with the skills possessed by the chef , further the requirements and the retreated orders which are done by consumers for the purpose of their diets. These are the most important factors which are considered from the preparation of the list in the menu in Marriott hotel.

1.3. Cost and staffing implications for different systems

The workers of any company are regarded as the most important factor and considerable resource that leads to provide quality services and products to consumers in order to gain a brand image and also to retain them for future choices that provides them an advantage over other competitors.

Staffs play crucial role in the success of operations performed in several services related to food. The selection procedure includes important aspect that includes various requirements, skills, knowledge and capability of effective communication and the experienced of the individual. The activities which are included in the production services of food and beverages sector completely depends upon the effectiveness of human resource of hotel as they serve the customers directly. The staff should be efficiently skilled and possess good communication skills that could lead to enhance the productivity and overall services. They must be provided certain training and development programmes regularly which require a lot of monitory cost so that one can make their workers proficient to provide benefit to organisation which l leads to earn lots of revenue.

1.4. Suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets

Marriott hotel has two different sections for food and beverages category. The section of food requires the best service system which is suitable to the preferred environment of the hotel. The more preference is given on the Buffet counter service system, which could be known as the identification of the service alteration. The food which is been served is represented in a creative manner which can make the mood of the consumer very cheerful in order to provide a positive and delicious virtual taste of the food which is been given. The services are provided for the both of the product which can be cold as well as hot which is most essential for events such as restaurants, banqueting and conferences. This is regarded beneficial for several firms and the consumer both as it is produced in the amount which is very bulky and the cost related to it is very high where the customer will pay a fixed amount according to the food which he has ordered. There is requirement of less staff that has the ability to feed large number of consumers at the same time (Heasman and Lang, 2015).

Sometimes the services can be disadvantageous as it consumes lots of time because there are large queues which is not preferred by every consumer. The presentation of the food can also lead to develop a negative impact which can be harmful for the hotel.


2.1. Use of financial statements in food and beverage operations

The financial statements are the documents that consist of the information regarding the investments and other monetary aspects related to every activity of the operations in Hotel. It also provides the clear idea of financial position of an organisational at specific time period so that one can assume the requirements for further strategies that have to be implemented in order to provide a successful operation of regarded requirements that have to be completed on time for providing an effective and efficient services to consumers.

The financial statement can further be comprised of balanced sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and the retained earnings statements. For any company, which is in this industry has to deal with the financial statements that provides the information regarding the flow of several aspects of finances from the procurement of the raw materials to the sales realisation and also further factors that requires statements (da Silva Lopes, 2015). A chef requires assessing the need of the types of resources which are required for successful implementation of operations. The expense which is estimated for assistance of deciding up price of the menu and the sales which also include expected profit related to success of sales (Kumar, 2017). It also lead to reporting of functional factor that are associated with it which provides help in assessing financial performance of business further steps which can be adopted for betterment of these aspects.

2.2. Demonstrate the use of cost and pricing processes

The practice of cost and pricing makes a hotel capable of employing by various food and beverage industry in the following ways:

  • It helps to revolve the expenses through the technique of FIFO.
  • One can acknowledge the margins for the amount of specific productivity.
  • It helps to prepare definite amount of orders of their recipes
  • It has the ability of providing exact scrapes and dippers in the consecutive rows at certain provision
  • Also lead to recurrently examine the segments of the customers for the precision requirements.
  • It leads to the proper exercising of the precise degrees for the inspection of the related orders.
  • It provides the assessment of the information related to the inventory which is prior to the placement of the new order.
  • Also, one can know about the charge related to the specific item of food that relates for the decision making of the menu price (Rezitis and Kalantzi, 2016).

For an example, the cost and pricing process can be used at a place where the budget is decided. It led to provide various plan for an event though description of cost related to every activity. Therefore, all the cost factors are controlled by the host in order to organise an event accordingly.

2.3. Analyse the purchasing process.

Purchasing process means planning the activities for acquiring the required input for the accomplishment of goals

The concept of purchasing the process means the procurement of the various goods and services which are required for the business which leads to the accomplishment of the several goals of the firm. The aim of related buying behaviour is:

  • For reinforcing the competitive arrangement for the suitable delivery of the goods
  • For preserving the worth and the excellence of the goods in a business
  • To make sure the efficient flow of all the business.
  • It moreover focuses on the entailing the re-evaluation and the improvement of the requisitions of the related products.
  • For upholding flow of the production in the proper way
  • For examining commodities that are received

Following is the cost purchase process which is discussed as below:

  • It includes the recognition of the needs which is requiring for the proper implementation of the operation in the following purpose.
  • One has to provide the proper specification of the needs related to the internal and the external consumers so that one can provide the right delivery to them
  • One has to decide the proper sourcing of the resources (Subramaniam and Wareing, 2016).
  • The settlement of the prices has to be done by the suppliers on the basis of certain terms.
  • The purchase order has to be prepared according to the demand in the market by the customer.
  • After which the delivery of the purchase order is performed making sure the right delivery to the appropriate orders.
  • It is the step where the factors which are associated with the acceleration of the whole operation are identified and the suitable strategies are made accordingly. Followed by the maintenance of the proper record.


31. Food and beverage menu for a hospitality event

The following is the compiled food menu sample for the Birthday event is as follows:


1. Cheesy Balls

2. Honey Chilly Potatoes

3. Grilled Chicken

Main Course

1. Chicken Burger

2. Grilled Club Sandwiches]

3. Pancakes With Ample Syrup

4. Schezwan Sauce Noodles

5. Spring Rolls


1. Hot Chocolate Brownie

2. Fruit Cakes

3. Chocolava Muffins



1. Juices

2. Lemonades

3. Cold And Hot Coffee

3.2. Selection and suitability of recipes for menu

The above menu has been created by taking care of all the guest and their related choices where the provided recipes and choices of menu are completely justifiable. The main category of the food is completely dependent on the ingredient and the way they are being served to children at the birthday event. The recipe is taken as the standard food which has great accessibility in terms of those components which are necessary, the menu consist of the components which are seasonal and are liked by everyone and is no harmful for health., also the prices of the ingredients are affordable which results to the formation of affordable prices (Wagner and Meyr, 2015). The storage aspects can also be considered as all components are easy to store and are completely hygienic for making and also it has been taken care of the complete sugar free dessert for those who suffers from diabetes and the separation of vegetarian and non-vegetarian aspect in the food is also considerable.


4.1. Plan a food and beverage service for a hospitality event within an agreed budget

The birthday event has been organized with 50 estimated people along with approximate budget of £2000. For this event, buffet food services will be organized. It would be using cost which are stated below:


ESTIMATED COST (as per standard brands)

Chips, Sausage and salad


Battered Chicken fillet


Fish and rice


Milk shake


Orange juice


Mineral water


Chocolate cake


Ice cream


Food Cost



Decoration cost


Return gifts


Miscellaneous expenses




4.2. Implement planned service maintaining standards of quality and health, safety and security

There are various strategies which can be implemented in accordance with the standards which are already set for the maintenance of the various principles and benchmarks which affects the safety, quality , health care and the hygiene aspects of the food which is been kept as a remark for achievement. The standard for the quality comprises of the several components like preparing the food, services, beverages and the planning the particular planning related to product, setting and standard maintenance of the cooking and the related presentation in the whole event. The success of the various events depends upon the quality aspect of the products and the services. Health and safety aspects are also important for the consideration because the food which will be prepared should be safe and hazard free in order to make and even should be safe in consuming and does not have any health hazards (Food and Beverage Operations Management.2018). Security issues are also regarded as one of the important factors that helps to satisfy the visitors.

The implementation can be the following one:

One has to validate and overview the effectiveness of all the functions

Following the restructure of all the operations such as buying, storage and the manufacturing of the ingredients which are needed for the designing of the food menu. While using the high-quality groceries and other components can lead to the minimisation of the cost for the raw material. Complete knowledge of the demands related to people, the personal preferences, and further analysing their needs and requirement. Utilising the differential use of the ingredient in the various recipes. Analysing the pricing method which are completely essential so that every plan can be implemented in a budget which is affordable by everyone which includes assessing the prices related to menu components and the decision of the final prices.

According to the guidelines of the individual HACCP is the main criteria which can lead to kept in mind several aspects for deciding the menu. It is also regarded as making assurance regarding the food that it does not get harm from any external dust. Chemical or the hazards which can occur during cooking and the other preparation. It would also involve analysis of the risk or the other danger regarding the food. Recognition of the aspects which are important such as quality of the food which can be regulated and controlled. Also laying down the related benchmarks of the quality related to food. Conducting assessment according to the benchmark and taking various corrective measures for the decided standards

4.3. Factors to determine the success of the service, making recommendation for improvement

There are several factors that lead to the determination of the success of the particular services is as follows:

Customer Services:

The services related to the customer are very important aspect of the hospitality sector. The success of the services related to food should be dependent on various ways as they served and offered to various visitors. This factor requires proper training of the staff for the effective service delivery to the guest. There are aspects which every employee should be taken care of is the well grooming of themselves, while wearing the dress perfectly along with the quickness in resolving many issues which are related to the management of the event. The services should be maintained with the quality aspect that can be making sure regarding the complete satisfaction of the individuals who are the guest to the event.

Cost Control:

The management of the cost factor is very essential in the conduction of the whole event. The cost for maintaining several events are mostly dependable on the vegetables which are seasonal as well as non-seasonal and other ingredients as the various different rates can lead to the change in the whole financial statement which is very important for the maintenance (Heasman and Lang, 2015).

Product Differentiation:

Every guest prefers experience which is unique and very overwhelming and is completely dependent on the staff's behaviour and the taste of the food and beverages

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It has been concluded that food and beverages sector provide an important contribution in the Economy of UK. Their hospitality services include several factors which are related to the aspect of providing high satisfaction to the customers which is very essential so that the customer would be cheered up for the event and provide delightful experience which would help for providing the good will of the Marriott Hotel. In addition, there are certain standards which are provided by the regulatory authority that leads to the development of the goals for the perfect preparation and the delivery of the food which is very important aspect and has to be regulated by the hotel in order to provide services which have the highest quality. The plan for the particular event has been made which is been taken in concern with the expected number of people and the budget decided for the particular event. Therefore, a successful budget is that in which the total concern is done upon various internal and external aspects that lead to the success of the particular hospitality event.

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  • Caspi, C.E. and,2016. Differences in healthy food supply and stocking practices between small grocery stores, gas-marts, pharmacies and dollar stores. Public health nutrition. 19(3). pp.540-547.
  • da Silva Lopes, T., 2015. A Systems View of Corporate Diversification: The Case of the Global Alcoholic Beverages Industry. International Studies of Management & Organization. 45(4).pp.342-358.
  • Heasman, M. and Lang, T., 2015. Food wars: the global battle for mouths, minds and markets. Routledge.
  • Jensen, J. D. and Ronit, K., 2015. The EU pledge for responsible marketing of food and beverages to children: implementation in food companies. European journal of clinical nutrition.69(8).p.896.
  • Kerr, D. A. and et. al., 2016. The connecting health and technology study: a 6-month randomized controlled trial to improve nutrition behaviours using a mobile food record and text messaging support in young adults. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.13(1).p.5
  • Rezitis, A .N. and Kalantzi, M. A., 2016. Investigating technical efficiency and its determinants by data envelopment analysis: An application in the Greek food and beverages manufacturing industry. Agribusiness.32(2).pp.254-271.
  • Subramaniam, P. and Wareing, P. eds., 2016. The stability and shelf life of food. Woodhead Publishing.
  • Wagner, M. and Meyr, H., 2015. Food and beverages. In Supply chain management and advanced planning (pp. 391-407). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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